
I was studying for a very important test, up to a point where I had to choose between reading the Quran or keep on studying.

I try to read the Quran everyday. When I was studying, I thought of skipping reading the Quran for that day. Then I realized that I was too preoccupied and attached to the test and how I will perform in it.

A thought came to mind, "Aiman, do not think that a good grade comes from you. It comes from Allah." 

I dropped my notes down and picked the Quran up. After reading two pages of it, I continued studying. 

Priorities. Priorities. Priorities.

[Aiman azlan's]

sticky note;
A good grade doesn't comes from you. 
It Allah's


Rintihan HambaMu said...

Allahurabbi..muahasabah sebentar.